Importing Dietary Supplements
How do I import dietary supplements into the U.S. for commercial resale?
There are strict regulations enforced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Animal and Plant Health Inspection (APHIS) for importing dietary supplements into the U.S. At DK Express, we will do our best to ensure that we provide efficient services to facilitate your shipment. In order to expedite our services, it is advised that you:
Make sure the supplement aligns with FDA’s definition of a supplement, as indicated here.
Obtain the supplement’s label information from the manufacturer, which must list:
All the vitamins and minerals it contains
The percentage of each vitamin and mineral
The daily intake of the vitamin and mineral
Make sure the manufacturer is not listed on the Bioterrorism Act. If listed, the products cannot enter the U.S.
Check with APHIS about bans on certain imported products, which you can find on this page.
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